AOJ 2829 Room Assignment


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2017/Practice/模擬国内予選/講評 - ACM-ICPC Japanese Alumni Group

場合分けとしては以下の 3 つです

  • 長さ 3 以上の閉路が存在する場合は 0
  • 閉路を潰した時に、全てのツリーの葉の数が 2 以下でなければ 0
  • 長さ 3 以上の弱連結成分が存在しない時
  • それ以外


import java.util.Scanner

import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

object Main {
  private val Mod = (1e9 + 7).toInt

  // 階乗を前計算しておく
  private val Fact = {
    var cur = 1L
    for (i <- 0 to 200000) yield {
      if (i == 0) {
      } else {
        cur = (cur * i) % Mod

  // 2 の累乗を前計算しておく
  private val Pow = {
    val pow = new Array[Int](200000)
    pow(0) = 1
    for (i <- 1 until pow.length) pow(i) = pow(i - 1) * 2 % Mod

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val in = new Scanner(
    while (true) {
      val n = in.nextInt()
      if (n == 0) {
      val a = for (_ <- 0 until n) yield {
        in.nextInt() - 1

  // 長さ 3 以上の閉路が存在しないことを確認する
  def cycleCheck(graph: IndexedSeq[Seq[Int]]): Boolean = {
    val cmp = StronglyConnectedComponents.decompose(graph)
    var map = Map[Int, Int]()
    cmp.foreach { c => map += (c -> (map.getOrElse(c, 0) + 1)) }
    map.values.forall(count => count <= 2)

  // 全ての弱連結成分がパスが閉路を潰すとパスになることを確認する
  def pathCheck(graph: IndexedSeq[Seq[Int]]): Boolean = {
    val uf = new UnionFind(graph.size)
    for {
      i <- graph.indices
      j <- graph(i)
    } uf.unite(i, j)

    var map = Map[Int, Int]()
    for {
      i <- graph.indices
      if graph(i).isEmpty
    } {
      val count = map.getOrElse(uf.find(i), 0)
      map += (uf.find(i) -> (count + 1))
    map.values.forall(count => count <= 2)

  // 要素数 2 の弱連結成分の数と、要素数 3 以上の弱連結成分の数を算出する
  def getSize(array: Array[Int]): (Int, Int) = {
    val N = array.length
    val uf = new UnionFind(N)
    for (i <- array.indices) uf.unite(i, array(i))
    val sizes = for {
      i <- 0 until N
      if i == 0 || !uf.isSame(i, 0)
    } yield {
      if (i == 0) {
      } else {
        val s = uf.partialSizeOf(i)
        uf.unite(i, 0)

    var three = 0
    var two = 0
    sizes.foreach(size => if (size == 2) {
      two += 1
    } else {
      three += 1

    (two, three)

  def solve(parent: Array[Int]): Int = {
    val n = parent.length
    val combination = new Combination(n + 1, Mod)

    val graph = => new ArrayBuffer[Int]())
    parent.indices.foreach(i => graph(parent(i)).append(i))

    if (cycleCheck(graph) && pathCheck(graph)) {
      val (two, three) = getSize(parent)
      if (three == 0) {
        // 長さ 3 以上の弱連結成分が存在しないとき
        var cur: Long = ((two + 2) / 2) % Mod
        cur = cur * Pow(two) % Mod
        cur = cur * Fact(two) % Mod
      } else {
        var ans = 0L
        for (i <- 0 to math.min(two + three - 2, two)) {
          var cur = combination.get(two + three - i - 2, two - i).toLong
          cur = cur * Fact(two) % Mod
          cur = cur * Fact(three) % Mod
          cur = cur * Pow(two + three) % Mod
          cur = cur * (two + three - i - 1) % Mod
          cur = cur * ((i + 2) / 2) % Mod
          ans = (ans + cur) % Mod
        for (i <- 0 to math.min(two + three - 1, two)) {
          var cur = combination.get(two + three - i - 1, two - i).toLong
          cur = cur * Fact(two) % Mod
          cur = cur * Fact(three) % Mod
          cur = cur * Pow(two + three) % Mod
          cur = cur * ((i + 2) / 2) % Mod
          ans = (ans + cur * 2) % Mod
    } else {

  class UnionFind(n: Int) {
    private val parent = (0 until n).toArray
    private val sizes = Array.fill[Int](n)(1)
    private var _size = n

    def find(x: Int): Int = {
      if (x == parent(x)) {
      } else {
        parent(x) = find(parent(x))

    def unite(a: Int, b: Int): Boolean = {
      val fa = find(a)
      val fb = find(b)
      if (fa == fb) {
      } else {
        val (x, y) = if (sizes(fa) >= sizes(fb)) {
          (fa, fb)
        } else {
          (fb, fa)

        parent(y) = x
        sizes(x) += sizes(y)
        sizes(y) = 0

        _size -= 1

    def isSame(x: Int, y: Int): Boolean = find(x) == find(y)

    def partialSizeOf(x: Int): Int = sizes(find(x))

    def size(): Int = _size

  class Combination(max: Int, mod: Int) {
    private val inv = new Array[Long](max + 1)
    private val fact = new Array[Long](max + 1)
    private val invFact = new Array[Long](max + 1)
    inv(1) = 1
    for (i <- 2 to max) inv(i) = inv(mod % i) * (mod - mod / i) % mod
    fact(0) = 1
    invFact(0) = 1
    for (i <- 1 to max) fact(i) = (fact(i - 1) * i) % mod
    for (i <- 1 to max) invFact(i) = (invFact(i - 1) * inv(i)) % mod

      * get nCm
    def get(n: Int, m: Int): Int = {
      if (n < m) {
      } else fact(n) * invFact(m) % mod * invFact(n - m) % mod

  object StronglyConnectedComponents {
    def decompose(graph: IndexedSeq[Seq[Int]]): Array[Int] = {
      val vs = new ArrayBuffer[Int]()
      val V = graph.size
      val cmp = new Array[Int](V)

      val rg = => new ArrayBuffer[Int]())
      for {
        from <- graph.indices
        to <- graph(from)
      } rg(to).append(from)

      var used = Array.fill[Boolean](V)(false)
      var stack = List[Int]()
      val added = Array.fill[Boolean](V)(false)
      for {
        i <- used.indices
        if !used(i)
      } {
        stack = i :: stack
        while (stack.nonEmpty) {
          val v = stack.head
          used(v) = true
          var pushed = false
          for {
            u <- graph(v).reverse
            if !used(u)
          } {
            stack = u :: stack
            pushed = true
          if (!pushed) {
            stack = stack.tail
            if (!added(v)) {
              added(v) = true

      used = Array.fill[Boolean](V)(false)
      var k = 0
      for {
        i <- vs.reverse
        if !used(i)
      } {
        stack = i :: stack
        used(i) = true
        cmp(i) = k
        while (stack.nonEmpty) {
          val v = stack.head
          var pushed = false
          for {
            u <- rg(v)
            if !used(u)
          } {
            used(u) = true
            cmp(u) = k
            stack = u :: stack
            pushed = true
          if (!pushed) {
            stack = stack.tail
        k += 1
