8.3.5. Exposure During Pregnancy or Breastfeeding, and Occupational Exposure
Exposure to the study intervention under study during pregnancy or breastfeeding and occupational exposure are reportable to Pfizer Safety within 24 hours of investigator awareness. Exposure During Pregnancy
An EDP occurs if:
A female participant is found to be pregnant while receiving or after discontinuing study intervention.
A male participant who is receiving or has discontinued study intervention exposes a female partner prior to or around the time of conception.
A female is found to be pregnant while being exposed or having been exposed to study intervention due to environmental exposure. Below are examples of environmental exposure during pregnancy:
- A female family member or healthcare provider reports that she is pregnant after having been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact.
- A male family member or healthcare provider who has been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact then exposes his female partner prior to or around the time of conception.
The investigator must report EDP to Pfizer Safety within 24 hours of the investigator's awareness, irrespective of whether an SAE has occurred. The initial information submitted should include the anticipated date of delivery (see below for information related to termination of pregnancy).
たしかにこの辺りをDeepLとかに入れると「妊娠中の曝露は、以下のような場合に発生します: 女性参加者が、試験介入を受けている間、または試験介入を中止した後に妊娠していることが判明した場合...」と仰々しい感じになります。反ワクチン派の知人が「曝露が〜」という話をしていたのも多分これが根拠になっていたんですね。
上記の部分は「妊婦に曝露試験をしてしまったことが判明した場合、重篤な有害事象 (SAE) が発生していなかったとしても24時間以内に Pfizer Safety に連絡しなさい」という治験のルールを説明したものですね。