
ABC227G - Divisors of Binomial Coefficient



 [2, X] の素数を求めながら  [Y, X^{2}] の素因数分解もできるの、言われてみればそうなんだけど、すごい。

use crate::mod_int::ModInt;

fn main() {
    let (r, w) = (std::io::stdin(), std::io::stdout());
    let mut sc = IO::new(r.lock(), w.lock());

    let n: usize = sc.read();
    let k: usize = sc.read();

    let from = n - k + 1;
    let to = n;

    let sq_n = (n as f64).sqrt() as usize + 1;
    let l = k.max(sq_n);
    let mut divisors = vec![vec![]; l + 1];
    let mut divisors_big = vec![vec![]; k];
    for p in 2..=l {
        if divisors[p].is_empty() {
            let mut cur = p;
            while cur <= l {
                cur += p;

            let mut cur = (from + p - 1) / p * p;
            while cur <= to {
                divisors_big[cur - from].push(p);
                cur += p;

    let mut big_primes = 0;
    let mut count = vec![0; l + 1];
    for i in 1..=k {
        let mut lower = i;
        for &prime in divisors[i].iter() {
            while lower % prime == 0 {
                lower /= prime;
                count[prime] -= 1;

        let mut upper = n - i + 1;
        for &prime in divisors_big[n - i + 1 - from].iter() {
            while upper % prime == 0 {
                upper /= prime;
                count[prime] += 1;

        if upper > 1 {
            big_primes += 1;

    let mut ans = ModInt::from(1);
    for c in count {
        assert!(c >= 0, "{}", c);
        ans *= c + 1;
    ans *= ModInt::from(2).pow(big_primes);
    println!("{}", ans.value());

pub mod mod_int {
    type ModInternalNum = i64;
        static MOD: std::cell::RefCell<ModInternalNum> = std::cell::RefCell::new(0);

    pub fn set_mod_int<T: ToInternalNum>(v: T) {
        MOD.with(|x| x.replace(v.to_internal_num()));
    fn modulo() -> ModInternalNum {

    pub struct ModInt(ModInternalNum);
    impl Clone for ModInt {
        fn clone(&self) -> Self {
    impl Copy for ModInt {}

    impl ModInt {
        fn internal_new(mut v: ModInternalNum) -> Self {
            let m = modulo();
            if v >= m {
                v %= m;

        pub fn internal_pow(&self, mut e: ModInternalNum) -> Self {
            let mut result = 1;
            let mut cur = self.0;
            let modulo = modulo();
            while e > 0 {
                if e & 1 == 1 {
                    result *= cur;
                    result %= modulo;
                e >>= 1;
                cur = (cur * cur) % modulo;

        pub fn pow<T>(&self, e: T) -> Self
            T: ToInternalNum,

        pub fn value(&self) -> ModInternalNum {

    pub trait ToInternalNum {
        fn to_internal_num(&self) -> ModInternalNum;
    impl ToInternalNum for ModInt {
        fn to_internal_num(&self) -> ModInternalNum {
    macro_rules! impl_primitive {
        ($primitive:ident) => {
            impl From<$primitive> for ModInt {
                fn from(v: $primitive) -> Self {
                    let v = v as ModInternalNum;
            impl ToInternalNum for $primitive {
                fn to_internal_num(&self) -> ModInternalNum {
                    *self as ModInternalNum

    impl<T: ToInternalNum> std::ops::AddAssign<T> for ModInt {
        fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: T) {
            let mut rhs = rhs.to_internal_num();
            let m = modulo();
            if rhs >= m {
                rhs %= m;

            self.0 += rhs;
            if self.0 >= m {
                self.0 -= m;

    impl<T: ToInternalNum> std::ops::Add<T> for ModInt {
        type Output = ModInt;
        fn add(self, rhs: T) -> Self::Output {
            let mut res = self;
            res += rhs;
    impl<T: ToInternalNum> std::ops::SubAssign<T> for ModInt {
        fn sub_assign(&mut self, rhs: T) {
            let mut rhs = rhs.to_internal_num();
            let m = modulo();
            if rhs >= m {
                rhs %= m;
            if rhs > 0 {
                self.0 += m - rhs;
            if self.0 >= m {
                self.0 -= m;
    impl<T: ToInternalNum> std::ops::Sub<T> for ModInt {
        type Output = Self;
        fn sub(self, rhs: T) -> Self::Output {
            let mut res = self;
            res -= rhs;
    impl<T: ToInternalNum> std::ops::MulAssign<T> for ModInt {
        fn mul_assign(&mut self, rhs: T) {
            let mut rhs = rhs.to_internal_num();
            let m = modulo();
            if rhs >= m {
                rhs %= m;
            self.0 *= rhs;
            self.0 %= m;
    impl<T: ToInternalNum> std::ops::Mul<T> for ModInt {
        type Output = Self;
        fn mul(self, rhs: T) -> Self::Output {
            let mut res = self;
            res *= rhs;

    impl<T: ToInternalNum> std::ops::DivAssign<T> for ModInt {
        fn div_assign(&mut self, rhs: T) {
            let mut rhs = rhs.to_internal_num();
            let m = modulo();
            if rhs >= m {
                rhs %= m;
            let inv = Self(rhs).internal_pow(m - 2);
            self.0 *= inv.value();
            self.0 %= m;

    impl<T: ToInternalNum> std::ops::Div<T> for ModInt {
        type Output = Self;
        fn div(self, rhs: T) -> Self::Output {
            let mut res = self;
            res /= rhs;

pub struct IO<R, W: std::io::Write>(R, std::io::BufWriter<W>);

impl<R: std::io::Read, W: std::io::Write> IO<R, W> {
    pub fn new(r: R, w: W) -> IO<R, W> {
        IO(r, std::io::BufWriter::new(w))
    pub fn write<S: ToString>(&mut self, s: S) {
        use std::io::Write;
    pub fn read<T: std::str::FromStr>(&mut self) -> T {
        use std::io::Read;
        let buf = self
            .map(|b| b.unwrap())
            .skip_while(|&b| b == b' ' || b == b'\n' || b == b'\r' || b == b'\t')
            .take_while(|&b| b != b' ' && b != b'\n' && b != b'\r' && b != b'\t')
        unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(&buf) }
            .expect("Parse error.")
    pub fn usize0(&mut self) -> usize {
        self.read::<usize>() - 1
    pub fn vec<T: std::str::FromStr>(&mut self, n: usize) -> Vec<T> {
        (0..n).map(|_| self.read()).collect()
    pub fn chars(&mut self) -> Vec<char> {

ARC067F - Yakiniku Restaurants


[from, to) で利用できるものについて、N x N の2次元平面上にプロットしてみると、長方形領域の集合になっているという問題。直線上を移動する問題を2次元にプロットするところに発想の飛躍があるように感じたが、典型的な考え方かもしれない。ものにしたい。

use crate::sparse_table::SparseTable;
use std::collections::VecDeque;

fn main() {
    let (r, w) = (std::io::stdin(), std::io::stdout());
    let mut sc = IO::new(r.lock(), w.lock());

    let n: usize = sc.read();
    let m: usize = sc.read();
    let a: Vec<i64> = sc.vec(n - 1);
    let mut pos = vec![0; n];
    for i in 1..n {
        pos[i] = pos[i - 1] + a[i - 1];

    let b: Vec<Vec<i64>> = (0..n).map(|_| sc.vec(m)).collect();

    let mut available = vec![vec![]; n];

    for ticket_id in 0..m {
        let b = (0..n).map(|j| (b[j][ticket_id], j)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
        let st = SparseTable::from(&b, (0, n), |a, b| a.max(b));

        let mut segments = VecDeque::new();
        segments.push_back((0, n));
        while let Some((from, to)) = segments.pop_front() {
            let (x, i) = st.get(from, to);
            available[from].push((i, ticket_id, x));
            if from < i {
                segments.push_back((from, i));
            if i + 1 < to {
                segments.push_back((i + 1, to));

    let mut ans = 0;
    let mut events = vec![vec![]; n];
    for from in 0..n {
        for &(i, ticket_id, x) in available[from].iter() {
            events[i].push((ticket_id, x));

        let mut tickets = vec![0; m];
        let mut sum = 0;
        for i in 0..m {
            tickets[i] = b[from][i];
            sum += tickets[i];
        for to in from..n {
            for &(i, x) in events[to].iter() {
                sum -= tickets[i];
                tickets[i] = x;
                sum += tickets[i];

            let d = pos[to] - pos[from];
            ans = ans.max(sum - d);

    println!("{}", ans);
pub mod sparse_table {
    pub struct SparseTable<T, F> {
        data: Vec<Vec<T>>,
        op: F,

    impl<T, F> SparseTable<T, F>
        T: Copy,
        F: Fn(T, T) -> T,
        pub fn from(v: &[T], init: T, op: F) -> Self {
            let size = v.len().next_power_of_two();
            let count = size.trailing_zeros() as usize + 1;
            let mut data = vec![vec![init; size]; count];
            for (i, v) in v.iter().cloned().enumerate() {
                data[0][i] = v;
            for c in 1..count {
                for i in 0..size {
                    let next = std::cmp::min(size - 1, i + (1 << (c - 1)));
                    data[c][i] = op(data[c - 1][i], data[c - 1][next]);

            Self { data, op }

        /// get the result for [l, r)
        pub fn get(&self, l: usize, r: usize) -> T {
            assert!(l < r);
            let length = r - l;
            if length == 1 {
                return self.data[0][l];
            let block_size = length.next_power_of_two() >> 1;
            let c = block_size.trailing_zeros() as usize;
            let left = self.data[c][l];
            let right = self.data[c][r - block_size];
            (self.op)(left, right)

pub struct IO<R, W: std::io::Write>(R, std::io::BufWriter<W>);

impl<R: std::io::Read, W: std::io::Write> IO<R, W> {
    pub fn new(r: R, w: W) -> IO<R, W> {
        IO(r, std::io::BufWriter::new(w))
    pub fn write<S: ToString>(&mut self, s: S) {
        use std::io::Write;
    pub fn read<T: std::str::FromStr>(&mut self) -> T {
        use std::io::Read;
        let buf = self
            .map(|b| b.unwrap())
            .skip_while(|&b| b == b' ' || b == b'\n' || b == b'\r' || b == b'\t')
            .take_while(|&b| b != b' ' && b != b'\n' && b != b'\r' && b != b'\t')
        unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(&buf) }
            .expect("Parse error.")
    pub fn usize0(&mut self) -> usize {
        self.read::<usize>() - 1
    pub fn vec<T: std::str::FromStr>(&mut self, n: usize) -> Vec<T> {
        (0..n).map(|_| self.read()).collect()
    pub fn chars(&mut self) -> Vec<char> {