AtCoder Beginner Contest 132 D - Blue and Red Balls



K個の青いボールをi個の区間に分け、かつ、全ての区間が1個以上ボールを含むような青いボールの分け方は  _{(K-i)+i-1}C_{K-i}である。同様に考えて赤いボールの分け方を求め、この2つの積が答えになる。

const MOD: usize = 1e9 as usize + 7;
fn main() {
    let s = std::io::stdin();
    let mut sc = Scanner { stdin: s.lock() };
    let n: usize =;
    let blue_ball: usize =;
    let c = Combination::new(n * 2 + 1, MOD);

    let red_ball = n - blue_ball;
    for seg in 1..(blue_ball + 1) {
        if seg > blue_ball || seg - 1 > red_ball {
        let free_blue = blue_ball - seg;
        let free_red = red_ball - (seg - 1);
        let ans = c.get(free_blue + seg - 1, free_blue) * c.get(free_red + seg + 1 - 1, free_red);
        println!("{}", ans % MOD);

pub struct Combination {
    fact: Vec<usize>,
    inv_fact: Vec<usize>,
    modulo: usize,

impl Combination {
    pub fn new(max: usize, modulo: usize) -> Combination {
        let mut inv = vec![0; max + 1];
        let mut fact = vec![0; max + 1];
        let mut inv_fact = vec![0; max + 1];
        inv[1] = 1;
        for i in 2..(max + 1) {
            inv[i] = inv[modulo % i] * (modulo - modulo / i) % modulo;
        fact[0] = 1;
        inv_fact[0] = 1;
        for i in 0..max {
            fact[i + 1] = fact[i] * (i + 1) % modulo;
        for i in 0..max {
            inv_fact[i + 1] = inv_fact[i] * inv[i + 1] % modulo;
        Combination {
            fact: fact,
            inv_fact: inv_fact,
            modulo: modulo,

    pub fn get(&self, x: usize, y: usize) -> usize {
        assert!(x >= y);
        self.fact[x] * self.inv_fact[y] % self.modulo * self.inv_fact[x - y] % self.modulo

    pub fn h(&self, n: usize, r: usize) -> usize {
        self.get(n + r - 1, r)

pub struct Scanner<R> {
    stdin: R,

impl<R: std::io::Read> Scanner<R> {
    pub fn read<T: std::str::FromStr>(&mut self) -> T {
        use std::io::Read;
        let buf = self
            .map(|b| b.unwrap())
            .skip_while(|&b| b == b' ' || b == b'\n')
            .take_while(|&b| b != b' ' && b != b'\n')
        unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(&buf) }
            .expect("Parse error.")
    pub fn vec<T: std::str::FromStr>(&mut self, n: usize) -> Vec<T> {
    pub fn chars(&mut self) -> Vec<char> {<String>().chars().collect()



use std::cmp;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;

fn main() {
    let s = std::io::stdin();
    let mut sc = Scanner { stdin: s.lock() };

    let h: usize =;
    let w: usize =;
    let mut board = vec![vec![false; w]; h];
    for i in 0..h {
        let s = sc.chars();
        for j in 0..w {
            board[i][j] = s[j] == '#';

    let mut inv_board = vec![vec![false; w]; h];
    for i in 0..h {
        for j in 0..w {
            inv_board[i][j] = board[h - 1 - i][j];

    let ans1 = solve(&board);
    let ans2 = solve(&inv_board);

    let mut ans = ans1 + ans2;
    let mut map = BTreeMap::new();
    for x in 0..h {
        for y in 0..w {
            if board[x][y] {
                // y = -x + l
                let l = x + y;
                map.entry(l).or_insert(Vec::new()).push((x, y));

    for v in map.values() {
        for j in 0..v.len() {
            for i in 0..j {
                let (x1, y1) = v[i];
                let (x2, y2) = v[j];
                let d = y1 - y2;

                let mut c = vec![];
                if x1 >= d {
                    c.push((x1 - d, y2));
                if y2 >= d {
                    c.push((x1, y2 - d));
                if y1 + d < w {
                    c.push((x2, y1 + d));
                if x2 + d < h {
                    c.push((x2 + d, y1));

                for (x3, y3) in c.into_iter() {
                    if board[x3][y3] {
                        ans -= 1;

    println!("{}", ans);

fn solve(board: &Vec<Vec<bool>>) -> usize {
    let h = board.len();
    let w = board[0].len();
    let mut map = BTreeMap::new();
    for x in 0..h {
        for y in 0..w {
            if board[x][y] {
                // y = -x + l
                let l = x + y;
                map.entry(l).or_insert(Vec::new()).push((x, y));

    let sum: BTreeMap<usize, Vec<usize>> = map
        .map(|(&l, v)| {
            let mut board = vec![0; h];
            for &(x, _) in v.iter() {
                board[x] = 1;
            let mut sum = vec![0; h + 1];
            for i in 0..h {
                sum[i + 1] = sum[i] + board[i];
            (l, sum)

    let mut ans = 0;
    for (&l, v) in map.iter() {
        for j in 0..v.len() {
            for i in 0..j {
                let (x1, y1) = v[i];
                let (x2, y2) = v[j];
                assert_eq!(x2 - x1, y1 - y2);
                let d = x2 - x1;

                if l >= 2 * d {
                    let lower = if x1 >= d { x1 - d } else { 0 };
                    let upper = x1 + 1;
                    let l3 = l - 2 * d;
                    if let Some(sum) = sum.get(&l3) {
                        ans += sum[upper] - sum[lower];

                let lower = x2;
                let upper = cmp::min(x2 + d + 1, h);
                let l3 = l + 2 * d;
                if let Some(sum) = sum.get(&l3) {
                    ans += sum[upper] - sum[lower];

pub struct Scanner<R> {
    stdin: R,

impl<R: std::io::Read> Scanner<R> {
    pub fn read<T: std::str::FromStr>(&mut self) -> T {
        use std::io::Read;
        let buf = self
            .map(|b| b.unwrap())
            .skip_while(|&b| b == b' ' || b == b'\n')
            .take_while(|&b| b != b' ' && b != b'\n')
        unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(&buf) }
            .expect("Parse error.")
    pub fn vec<T: std::str::FromStr>(&mut self, n: usize) -> Vec<T> {
    pub fn chars(&mut self) -> Vec<char> {<String>().chars().collect()

use std::cmp;

fn main() {
    let s = std::io::stdin();
    let mut sc = Scanner { stdin: s.lock() };
    let n: usize =;
    let mut edges = vec![];

    let mut left = 0;
    let mut right = 0;
    for i in 0..n {
        let a: u64 =;
        let b: u64 =;
        left += a;
        right += b;
        edges.push((a, i, true));
        edges.push((b, i, false));

    let mut ans = cmp::min(left, right);

    let mut count = vec![0; n];
    let mut sum = 0;
    for i in 0..n {
        let (cost, i, _) = edges[i];
        count[i] += 1;
        sum += cost;

    if count.iter().any(|&x| x != 1) {
        println!("{}", cmp::min(ans, sum));

    if edges[n - 1].1 != edges[n].1 {
        sum -= edges[n - 1].0;
        sum += edges[n].0;
        println!("{}", cmp::min(ans, sum));

    ans = cmp::min(ans, sum - edges[n - 2].0 + edges[n].0);
    ans = cmp::min(ans, sum - edges[n - 1].0 + edges[n + 1].0);
    println!("{}", ans);

pub struct Scanner<R> {
    stdin: R,

impl<R: std::io::Read> Scanner<R> {
    pub fn read<T: std::str::FromStr>(&mut self) -> T {
        use std::io::Read;
        let buf = self
            .map(|b| b.unwrap())
            .skip_while(|&b| b == b' ' || b == b'\n')
            .take_while(|&b| b != b' ' && b != b'\n')
        unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(&buf) }
            .expect("Parse error.")
    pub fn vec<T: std::str::FromStr>(&mut self, n: usize) -> Vec<T> {
    pub fn chars(&mut self) -> Vec<char> {<String>().chars().collect()

VSCode で Rust で競技プログラミングをするときの設定

拡張機能と RLS を入れる

task の登録

    // See 
    // for the documentation about the tasks.json format
    "version": "2.0.0",
    "tasks": [
            "label": "cargo run",
            "type": "shell",
            "command": "RUST_BACKTRACE=1",
            "args": [
            "group": {
                "kind": "build",
                "isDefault": true


	// Place your snippets for rust here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and 
	// description. The prefix is what is used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are:
	// $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. Placeholders with the 
	// same ids are connected.
	// Example:
	// "Print to console": {
	// 	"prefix": "log",
	// 	"body": [
	// 		"console.log('$1');",
	// 		"$2"
	// 	],
	// 	"description": "Log output to console"
	// }
	"Scanner and main": {
		"prefix": "scanner",
		"body": [
			"fn main() {",
			"    let s = std::io::stdin();",
			"    let mut sc = Scanner { stdin: s.lock() };",
			"    $1",
			"pub struct Scanner<R> {",
			"    stdin: R,",
			"impl<R: std::io::Read> Scanner<R> {",
			"    pub fn read<T: std::str::FromStr>(&mut self) -> T {",
			"        use std::io::Read;",
			"        let buf = self",
			"            .stdin",
			"            .by_ref()",
			"            .bytes()",
			"            .map(|b| b.unwrap())",
			"            .skip_while(|&b| b == b' ' || b == b'\\n' || b == b'\\r')",
			"            .take_while(|&b| b != b' ' && b != b'\\n' && b != b'\\r')",
			"            .collect::<Vec<_>>();",
			"        unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(&buf) }",
			"            .parse()",
			"            .ok()",
			"            .expect(\"Parse error.\")",
			"    }",
			"    pub fn vec<T: std::str::FromStr>(&mut self, n: usize) -> Vec<T> {",
			"        (0..n).map(|_|",
			"    }",
			"    pub fn chars(&mut self) -> Vec<char> {",
			"    }",





fn main() {
    let s = std::io::stdin();
    let mut sc = Scanner { stdin: s.lock() };
    let n: usize =;
    let l: usize =;
    let t: usize =;
    let xw: Vec<(usize, usize)> = (0..n).map(|_| (,;

    let mut clockwise = 0;
    let mut counter_clock_wise = 0;
    for (x, w) in xw.iter().cloned() {
        if w == 1 {
            clockwise += (x + t) / l;
        } else if t > x {
            counter_clock_wise += ((l - x) + t - 1) / l;

    let mut next = xw
        .map(|(x, w)| {
            if w == 1 {
                (x + t) % l
            } else {
                (l - ((l - x) + t) % l) % l
    let over = clockwise % n + n - counter_clock_wise % n;
    for i in 0..n {
        println!("{}", next[(i + over) % n]);

pub struct Scanner<R> {
    stdin: R,

impl<R: std::io::Read> Scanner<R> {
    pub fn read<T: std::str::FromStr>(&mut self) -> T {
        use std::io::Read;
        let buf = self
            .map(|b| b.unwrap())
            .skip_while(|&b| b == b' ' || b == b'\n' || b == b'\r')
            .take_while(|&b| b != b' ' && b != b'\n' && b != b'\r')
        unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(&buf) }
            .expect("Parse error.")
    pub fn vec<T: std::str::FromStr>(&mut self, n: usize) -> Vec<T> {
    pub fn chars(&mut self) -> Vec<char> {<String>().chars().collect()




use std::cmp;
use std::collections::VecDeque;

const INF: i32 = 1e9 as i32;
const DIR: [(i32, i32); 4] = [(0, -1), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (1, 0)];

fn main() {
    let s = std::io::stdin();
    let mut sc = Scanner { stdin: s.lock() };
    let h: usize =;
    let w: usize =;
    let k: i32 =;
    let board: Vec<_> = (0..h).map(|_| sc.chars()).collect();
    let mut dist = vec![vec![INF; w]; h];

    let mut si = 0;
    let mut sj = 0;
    for i in 0..h {
        for j in 0..w {
            if board[i][j] == 'S' {
                dist[i][j] = 0;
                si = i;
                sj = j;

    let mut q = VecDeque::new();
    q.push_back((0, 0, si, sj));
    for _ in 0.. {
        let mut next_q = VecDeque::new();
        while let Some((time, open, i, j)) = q.pop_front() {
            if i == h - 1 || j == w - 1 || i == 0 || j == 0 {
                let turn = (time + k - 1) / k;
                println!("{}", turn);
            for (di, dj) in DIR.iter().cloned() {
                let ni = (i as i32) + di;
                let nj = (j as i32) + dj;
                if ni < 0 || nj < 0 {
                let ni = ni as usize;
                let nj = nj as usize;
                if ni >= h || nj >= w {

                if board[ni][nj] == '#' && open > 0 && dist[ni][nj] > time + 1 {
                    dist[ni][nj] = time + 1;
                    if (time + 1) % k == 0 {
                        next_q.push_back((time + 1, k, ni, nj));
                    } else {
                        q.push_back((time + 1, open - 1, ni, nj));
                } else if board[ni][nj] == '.' && dist[ni][nj] > time + 1 {
                    dist[ni][nj] = time + 1;
                    if (time + 1) % k == 0 {
                        next_q.push_back((time + 1, k, ni, nj));
                    } else {
                        q.push_back((time + 1, open, ni, nj));

            let next_time = (time + k) / k * k;
            next_q.push_front((next_time, k, i, j));
        q = next_q;

pub struct Scanner<R> {
    stdin: R,

impl<R: std::io::Read> Scanner<R> {
    pub fn read<T: std::str::FromStr>(&mut self) -> T {
        use std::io::Read;
        let buf = self
            .map(|b| b.unwrap())
            .skip_while(|&b| b == b' ' || b == b'\n' || b == b'\r')
            .take_while(|&b| b != b' ' && b != b'\n' && b != b'\r')
        unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(&buf) }
            .expect("Parse error.")
    pub fn vec<T: std::str::FromStr>(&mut self, n: usize) -> Vec<T> {
    pub fn chars(&mut self) -> Vec<char> {<String>().chars().collect()



1 ... a-1, a+1, ... , x
1 ... b-1, b+1, ... , x

という2つのほぼ等差数列から作れる積の最大値が ab を超えないような x を二分探索する。


use std::cmp;

fn main() {
    let s = std::io::stdin();
    let mut sc = Scanner { stdin: s.lock() };
    let q: usize =;
    for _ in 0..q {
        let a: usize =;
        let b: usize =;
        let (a, b) = if a > b { (b, a) } else { (a, b) };

        let mut ok = a - 1;
        let mut ng = 1e10 as usize;
        while ng - ok > 1 {
            let x = (ok + ng) / 2;
            let mut max = 0;
            if x >= b - 1 {
                // 1 ... a-1    a+1   ... x-b+1 x-b+2 ... x
                // x ... x-a+2  x-a+1 ... b+1   b-1   ... 1
                max = get_max(1, a - 1, x, x + 2 - a);
                max = cmp::max(max, get_max(a + 1, x - (b - 1), x - (a - 1), b + 1));
                max = cmp::max(max, get_max(x + 2 - b, x, b - 1, 1));
            } else {
                // 1 ... a-1      a+1 ... x
                // x-1 ... x-a+1  x-a ... 1
                max = get_max(1, a - 1, x - 1, x - (a - 1));
                max = cmp::max(max, get_max(a + 1, x, x - a, 1));

            if max < a * b {
                ok = x;
            } else {
                ng = x;
        println!("{}", if a <= ok { ok - 1 } else { ok });

fn get_max(from_a: usize, to_a: usize, from_b: usize, to_b: usize) -> usize {
    if from_a > to_a {
        return 0;
    assert_eq!(to_a + 1 - from_a, from_b + 1 - to_b);
    let mut m = (from_a + from_b) / 2;
    let mut max = cmp::max(from_a * from_b, to_a * to_b);
    if from_a <= m && m <= to_a {
        let da = m - from_a;
        let b = from_b - da;
        max = cmp::max(max, m * b);
    m += 1;
    if from_a <= m && m <= to_a {
        let da = m - from_a;
        let b = from_b - da;
        max = cmp::max(max, m * b);

pub struct Scanner<R> {
    stdin: R,

impl<R: std::io::Read> Scanner<R> {
    pub fn read<T: std::str::FromStr>(&mut self) -> T {
        use std::io::Read;
        let buf = self
            .map(|b| b.unwrap())
            .skip_while(|&b| b == b' ' || b == b'\n' || b == b'\r')
            .take_while(|&b| b != b' ' && b != b'\n' && b != b'\r')
        unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(&buf) }
            .expect("Parse error.")
    pub fn vec<T: std::str::FromStr>(&mut self, n: usize) -> Vec<T> {
    pub fn chars(&mut self) -> Vec<char> {<String>().chars().collect()




fn main() {
    let s = std::io::stdin();
    let mut sc = Scanner { stdin: s.lock() };
    let h: usize =;
    let w: usize =;

    let board: Vec<Vec<char>> = (0..h).map(|_| sc.chars()).collect();
    let mut blue = vec![vec!['.'; w]; h];
    let mut red = vec![vec!['.'; w]; h];
    for i in 0..h {
        for j in 0..w {
            if j == 0 {
                red[i][j] = '#';
            } else if j == w - 1 {
                blue[i][j] = '#';
            } else if i % 2 == 0 {
                red[i][j] = '#';
            } else {
                blue[i][j] = '#';

            if board[i][j] == '#' {
                red[i][j] = '#';
                blue[i][j] = '#';

    for i in 0..h {
        for j in 0..w {
            print!("{}", red[i][j]);
    for i in 0..h {
        for j in 0..w {
            print!("{}", blue[i][j]);

pub struct Scanner<R> {
    stdin: R,

impl<R: std::io::Read> Scanner<R> {
    pub fn read<T: std::str::FromStr>(&mut self) -> T {
        use std::io::Read;
        let buf = self
            .map(|b| b.unwrap())
            .skip_while(|&b| b == b' ' || b == b'\n' || b == b'\r')
            .take_while(|&b| b != b' ' && b != b'\n' && b != b'\r')
        unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(&buf) }
            .expect("Parse error.")
    pub fn vec<T: std::str::FromStr>(&mut self, n: usize) -> Vec<T> {
    pub fn chars(&mut self) -> Vec<char> {<String>().chars().collect()




use std::collections::VecDeque;

fn main() {
    let s = std::io::stdin();
    let mut sc = Scanner { stdin: s.lock() };
    let n =;
    let m: usize =;
    let mut graph = vec![vec![]; n];
    for _ in 0..m {
        let a =<usize>() - 1;
        let b =<usize>() - 1;
    let q: usize =;
    let mut potential = vec![-1; n];
    let mut color = vec![0; n];
    let vdc: Vec<_> = (0..q)
        .map(|_| (<usize>() - 1,<i64>(),<usize>()))

    for (root, distance, c) in vdc.into_iter().rev() {
        if potential[root] >= distance {
        let mut q = VecDeque::new();
        if color[root] == 0 {
            color[root] = c;
        potential[root] = distance;
        while let Some(v) = q.pop_front() {
            if potential[v] == 0 {
            for &next in graph[v].iter() {
                if color[next] == 0 {
                    color[next] = c;
                if potential[next] < potential[v] - 1 {
                    potential[next] = potential[v] - 1;

    for c in color.into_iter() {
        println!("{}", c);

pub struct Scanner<R> {
    stdin: R,

impl<R: std::io::Read> Scanner<R> {
    pub fn read<T: std::str::FromStr>(&mut self) -> T {
        use std::io::Read;
        let buf = self
            .map(|b| b.unwrap())
            .skip_while(|&b| b == b' ' || b == b'\n' || b == b'\r')
            .take_while(|&b| b != b' ' && b != b'\n' && b != b'\r')
        unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(&buf) }
            .expect("Parse error.")
    pub fn vec<T: std::str::FromStr>(&mut self, n: usize) -> Vec<T> {
    pub fn chars(&mut self) -> Vec<char> {<String>().chars().collect()

Google Code Jam 2019 Round 1B - Fair Fight


数列 \{c_i\} \{d_i\} が与えられる。 | max(c_l, c_{l+1}, ... , c_r) - max(d_l, d_{l+1} , ... , d_r)| \leq k  となるような (l, r) の組の数を求めよ。


 | max(c_l, c_{l+1}, ... , c_r) - max(d_l, d_{l+1} , ... , d_r)| \gt k  となるような (l, r) の組の数を求めて全体から引くことにする。
 max(c_l, c_{l+1}, ... , c_r) - max(d_l, d_{l+1} , ... , d_r) \gt k    max(c_l, c_{l+1}, ... , c_r) - max(d_l, d_{l+1} , ... , d_r) \gt k  は c と d を入れ替えることで独立に同じように求めることができる。

各 i について c_i が最大となるような c の区間を求める。これは Sparse Table で二分探索を二回やると求まる。次に、この区間内で  max(d_l, d_{l+1}, ... , d_i) < c_i -k となるような l と  max(d_i, d_{i+1}, ... , d_r) < c_i -k となるような r を求める。


use self::sparse_table::SparseTable;
use std::cmp;

fn main() {
    let s = std::io::stdin();
    let mut sc = Scanner { stdin: s.lock() };
    let t: usize =;
    for t in 0..t {
        let n: usize =;
        let k: i64 =;
        let c: Vec<i64> = sc.vec(n);
        let d: Vec<i64> = sc.vec(n);
        let ans = n * (n + 1) / 2 - solve(&c, &d, k) - solve(&d, &c, k);
        println!("Case #{}: {}", t + 1, ans);

fn solve(c: &[i64], d: &[i64], k: i64) -> usize {
    let n = c.len();
    let c_st = SparseTable::from(c, 0, cmp::max);
    let d_st = SparseTable::from(d, 0, cmp::max);
        .filter(|&i| d[i] < c[i] - k)
        .map(|i| {
            let mut ng = n + 1;
            let mut ok = i + 1;
            while ng - ok > 1 {
                let m = (ok + ng) >> 1;
                if c_st.get(i, m) <= c[i] {
                    ok = m;
                } else {
                    ng = m;
            let right = ok;

            let mut ok = i as i64;
            let mut ng = -1;
            while ok - ng > 1 {
                let m = (ok + ng) >> 1;
                if c_st.get(m as usize, i) < c[i] {
                    ok = m;
                } else {
                    ng = m;
            let left = ok;

            let mut ok = i + 1;
            let mut ng = right + 1;
            while ng - ok > 1 {
                let m = (ok + ng) >> 1;
                if d_st.get(i, m) < c[i] - k {
                    ok = m;
                } else {
                    ng = m;
            let right = ok;

            let mut ok = i as i64;
            let mut ng = left - 1;
            while ok - ng > 1 {
                let m = (ok + ng) >> 1;
                if d_st.get(m as usize, i + 1) < c[i] - k {
                    ok = m;
                } else {
                    ng = m;
            let left = ok as usize;
            (i - left + 1) * (right - i)

pub mod sparse_table {
    use std::cmp;

    pub struct SparseTable<T, F> {
        data: Vec<Vec<T>>,
        op: F,

    impl<T, F> SparseTable<T, F>
        T: Copy,
        F: Fn(T, T) -> T,
        pub fn from(v: &[T], init: T, op: F) -> Self {
            let size = v.len().next_power_of_two();
            let count = size.trailing_zeros() as usize + 1;
            let mut data = vec![vec![init; size]; count];
            for (i, v) in v.iter().cloned().enumerate() {
                data[0][i] = v;
            for c in 1..count {
                for i in 0..size {
                    let next = cmp::min(size - 1, i + (1 << (c - 1)));
                    data[c][i] = op(data[c - 1][i], data[c - 1][next]);

            Self { data: data, op: op }

        /// get the result for [l, r)
        pub fn get(&self, l: usize, r: usize) -> T {
            assert!(l < r, "l={} r={}", l, r);
            let length = r - l;
            if length == 1 {
            let block_size = length.next_power_of_two() >> 1;
            let c = block_size.trailing_zeros() as usize;
            let left =[c][l];
            let right =[c][r - block_size];
            (self.op)(left, right)

pub struct Scanner<R> {
    stdin: R,

impl<R: std::io::Read> Scanner<R> {
    pub fn read<T: std::str::FromStr>(&mut self) -> T {
        use std::io::Read;
        let buf = self
            .map(|b| b.unwrap())
            .skip_while(|&b| b == b' ' || b == b'\n' || b == b'\r')
            .take_while(|&b| b != b' ' && b != b'\n' && b != b'\r')
        unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(&buf) }
            .expect("Parse error.")
    pub fn vec<T: std::str::FromStr>(&mut self, n: usize) -> Vec<T> {
    pub fn chars(&mut self) -> Vec<char> {<String>().chars().collect()

Google Code Jam 2019 Round 1B - Draupnir


素数 6 の数列  a_i がある。クエリとして D を出力すると、  \sum 2^(D/i) * a_i (\mod 2^63) が与えられる。クエリを 2 回投げた後に  a_i を出力せよ。


 \mod 2^63 は入力を 64bit 整数に収めるためのものではなく、解法の重要なポイントになる。D=200 で得られる入力は  2^200 a_1 + 2^100 a_2 + 2^66 a_3 + 2^50 a_4 + 2^40 a_5 + 2^33 a_6 \equiv 2^50 a_4 + 2^40 a_5 + 2^33 a_6 (\mod 2^63) である。  a_i \leq 100 < 2^7 であることから  a_4, a_5, a_6 を求めることができる。これらを利用して D=50 の入力から  a_1, a_2, a_3 を求めることができる。


fn main() {
    let s = std::io::stdin();
    let mut sc = Scanner { stdin: s.lock() };
    let t: usize =;
    let _: usize =;
    for _ in 0..t {
        let day200: u64 =;
        let ring4 = day200 / (1 << 50);
        let ring5 = (day200 - ring4 * (1 << 50)) / (1 << 40);
        let ring6 = (day200 - ring4 * (1 << 50) - ring5 * (1 << 40)) / (1 << 33);

        let day50: u64 =;
        let day50 = day50 - ring4 * (1 << 12) - ring5 * (1 << 10) - ring6 * (1 << 8);
        let ring1 = day50 / (1 << 50);
        let ring2 = (day50 - ring1 * (1 << 50)) / (1 << 25);
        let ring3 = (day50 - ring1 * (1 << 50) - ring2 * (1 << 25)) / (1 << 16);

            "{} {} {} {} {} {}",
            ring1, ring2, ring3, ring4, ring5, ring6

        let response: i64 =;
        assert_eq!(response, 1);

pub struct Scanner<R> {
    stdin: R,

impl<R: std::io::Read> Scanner<R> {
    pub fn read<T: std::str::FromStr>(&mut self) -> T {
        use std::io::Read;
        let buf = self
            .map(|b| b.unwrap())
            .skip_while(|&b| b == b' ' || b == b'\n' || b == b'\r')
            .take_while(|&b| b != b' ' && b != b'\n' && b != b'\r')
        unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(&buf) }
            .expect("Parse error.")
    pub fn vec<T: std::str::FromStr>(&mut self, n: usize) -> Vec<T> {
    pub fn chars(&mut self) -> Vec<char> {<String>().chars().collect()